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    Shop unique gifts and

    one-of-a-kind items from any of our four museum stores.

    Colleen Cloney Duncan Shop At Museum of Indian Arts & Culture

    Lynn Godfrey Brown Shop at Museum of International Folk Art Shop

    Rosalie D. and Steven J. Harris Shop at New Mexico Museum of Art Shop

    Spiegelberg Shop at New Mexico History Museum

    George Duncan and Sheryl Kelsey Shop at Vladem Contemporary

    museum licensing & branding

    The four museums that comprise the Museum of New Mexico system, hold collections unrivaled in their breadth and depth. Because of the quality of these collections, the Museum of New Mexico Foundation started a licensing business in 1998. This unique business forges creative partnerships with home décor manufacturers worldwide to develop products inspired by cultural material and fine art in the collections of the four state museums in Santa Fe.

    Learn more about the licensing program and the products we have developed and shop some of the products below.

    Museum Inspired Home Decor