What You Can Do
The museums are requiring visitors to follow statewide public health orders, executive orders, as well as CDC directions to assist in prevent the spread of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19.
In New Mexico, everyone is required to wear an approved mask or cloth face covering when in public except when drinking, eating, or under medical instruction. Masks with vents do not satisfy the State's Public Health Order. Violators of these requirements will be subject to a fine.
Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Pre-screening questions include:
By entering the building, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and answered “no” to all these questions. Please review them, and if you answer yes to any, return another day.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Kindly observe a minimum of six feet of social distance between you and other visitors and staff during your visit.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Committed to Your Safety
With the health and safety of our visitors, employees, and the community our utmost priority, and in accordance with the law, we are implementing a number of measures including:
Limiting the number of visitors in accordance with the most current New Mexico Public Health Order to promote a physically distanced and safe environment.
Requiring all visitors and employees to wear masks or cloth face coverings except when drinking, eating, or under medical instruction.
Providing 6-foot social distancing markers and one-way directional flow in high traffic areas.
Installation of hand sanitizer stations at the entrances and near elevators.
Maintaining a schedule of stringent daily cleaning and sanitizing.
Frequent and thorough cleaning of high-touch items such as doors, credit card terminals, counters, etc.
Adding plexiglass barriers at cash registers, help desks, etc.
Closure of all theaters, auditoriums, interactive exhibits and attractions, etc.
Discontinuation of rental equipment (unless required for ADA accessibility) and coat check areas, lockers, or other related public storage services.
Limiting access to areas where patrons are likely to congregate.